The Grades Are In: Kindara launches Fertility Awareness Report Card to highlight shoddy reporting on FAM

Boulder, COLO. - February 23, 2015 - Kindara, a progressive women’s health startup and makers of Kindara Fertility Tracker, one of the most downloaded apps in the nation, recently released the 2014 Fertility Awareness Method Report Card. The purpose of the Report Card is to assess how accurately several prominent organizations represent the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) on their websites.

When looking for alternatives to hormonal birth control, many women turn to online informational resources to explore their options. Unfortunately, the information that many of these resources provide about the Fertility Awareness Method is outdated, lacks citations, is contradictory or just plain wrong.

The Fertility Awareness Method, also known as the Sympto-Thermal Method, is a natural form of birth control that allows women to avoid pregnancy through identifying the fertile and infertile times of their menstrual cycles. When used correctly, the method is over 99% effective, according to a 2011 Contraceptive Technology report.

The FAM Report Card’s purpose is to encourage unbiased discussion of the method according to the latest scientific research and draw attention to the misinformation about FAM on the internet. The sources were graded on how accurately they reported FAM’s efficacy rate and how accurately they described how to use the method.

"Even high-profile and trusted organizations, such as the Office of Women’s Health and the World Health Organization, routinely lump the ineffective Rhythm Method together with the Fertility Awareness Method," said Kindara Co-Founder and CEO Will Sacks. "Other organizations report wildly inaccurate efficacy rates and even explicitly discourage women from using FAM to avoid pregnancy. We launched this report card to congratulate organizations who accurately report on FAM and encourage the rest to get the facts right."

"The bias against FAM on these websites is staggering," said Kindara’s Marketing Manager Haley Thomas. "As it stands, women and couples have to do a great deal of digging around the internet to find reliable information about the Fertility Awareness Method."

Kindara has helped thousands of women avoid pregnancy without hormones or invasive procedures. The FAM Report Card is publicly available here

About Kindara

Kindara is a company devoted to giving women the tools, knowledge, and support to understand their bodies, take ownership of their reproductive health, and meet their fertility goals. Founded by a husband-and-wife team, Kindara is committed to designing exceptional products that improve women’s lives. Kindara's first product, the much-loved Kindara Fertility app for iPhone and Android, has helped tens of thousands of women avoid pregnancy naturally, get pregnant faster, and better understand their cycles. Kindara’s second product, Wink by Kindara, is a Bluetooth basal body thermometer that allows women to seamlessly track their data with ease and accuracy.